Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Money money money

I originally took up running because I thought it would be cheap (free actually). Blimey how wrong was I?!!!

Anyway, last week I did 6 mile run, 10 mile walk (which made me ache like hell as I haven't walked since August). Not doing huge distances at the moment as don't want to cause problems before the Beacons event (which is only just over 2 weeks away!!!). Did just over 4 miles on Monday and went to the gym yesterday. Starting to work on my back, arms and shoulders now in preparation for lugging the backpack around.

As for the financial side of things : I am constructing a list to take up to the Beacons with me. Hopefully will be able to get all of my kit when I'm there. Can't wait. That will make it seem all very scary. I need to start testing out the food too. I'm wondering what Andy will make of being served freeze dried dinners out of the packet. Yum.

Will go out again on Friday. I haven't decided whether to run or walk but whatever I do it will be 10 miles +.

Monday, 10 November 2008

Didn't take long to recover from Dublin and I'm still buzzing from the experience! Iwent out last week and did 4.4 miles on Tuesday and then 6 miles on Friday. I was going to attempt the backpack on Sunday (yesterday) but one of the girls is poorly and off school today so that's been put back. Also have a sore neck/shoulder which won't shift and am slightly concerned about making that worse.

Hoping to go out tomorrow (children/neck permitting).

Fingers crossed.