Tuesday 15 July 2008

Trailwalker preparations

So only 4 days to go until the Trailwalker. I have to say I'm getting pretty nervous now. The distance scares the living crap out of me! Still, it'll be a good indication of whether I have a hope in hell of completing the MdS!

Been sorting my stuff out this morning. Between us we are taking quite a bit! I went out yesterday to buy supplies such as biscuits, sweets, peanuts, more biscuits, hot chocolate, cup a soups, cookies (biscuits!), flapjacks, Haribos.... and the list goes on. Not intending on eating all of this obviously but it'll help along the way. I'm taking a couscous dish, pasta and potatoes too (all good carbs!). We need to take food for our support crew too as they are obviously traipsing around after us for a good 24 hours.

It takes a fair bit of organisation (which is why I'm starting now). I love making lists (have to make them) and want to make sure I'm completely prepared by Friday. I have to get all the kids' stuff ready too as they're staying at mum and dads so it's something else to think about. No walking this week. I'm preserving every bit of energy I have!

I'm just hoping and praying that my trainers will be okay, my feet will remain intact and that we will all make it to the end, still talking and able to laugh...

Perhaps laughing might come after the memories have faded!

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