Monday 11 August 2008

And I was right.....!

It was bloody torture! Not all of it, but most!

Saturday I met Carol, Steph and Rose at the Travelodge we were staying in (thanks Carol) and after general chat and looking at all the kit Carol has got so far (OMG!!!), we set off to register and hit the pub. It was good to actually meet three fellow mds-ers (tho I've met Steph briefly before). Good to talk about the Mds without feeling like you're boring the pants of everybody!!

The Kent 50 (actually just over 52 miles) is organised by a guy called Mike who has completed the Mds twice himself (and the Gobi and various other things). Quite a few of the people taking part and some of the chaps manning the checkpoints have also done it. Such a friendly bunch of people too. We had something to eat at the pub which Mike very kindly said was on him....

We got up at about 4.45am and had breakfast (again, courtesy of Carol - this lady (sorry Carol :laughing:) does not travel lightly. She came with a small fridge in tow!!!!

We were a tiny bit late to the start but Carol managed to get us there just after 6am (killing a poor defenceless pigeon on the way :laughing:).

We all set off together but Rose was soon off into the distance. We did see her a couple of times throughout at the pub. Well done Rose - hope you felt okay after I saw you...!

For the first couple of laps I felt reasonably okay. I had taped my feet pretty well (I thought). Heels were padded and taped and most of my toes. However my feet felt sore and I knew I was going to end up with blisters. We were on a pretty tight schedule to complete it before the cut off (15 hours) so our pitstops were pretty short which I think suited us fine. At the first opportunity I sorted out my feet, more tape, popped a blister etc etc, new socks but they were very uncomfortable. Once I got going each time I could handle it (probably because I'm so bloody used to it!!) but it's not pleasant to walk like that! Carol started to have knee problems too and every so often that gave her grief... hope it's okay today Carol! Steph seems to plough on with no problems - always chirpy too. I really admire you Steph!!

We started lap 6 (out of 8) and had slowed up a bit. About half way through (I think we had just passed mile 3) my heel popped. It bloody hurt and I couldn't put it down on the floor. Steph and Carol were a bit ahead of me because I was hobbling. I looked up to see them waiting but waved them on. I really didn't want to hold them up because if they were to finish they couldn't have walked at my pace now - bloody ridiculously slow!! They soon disappeared into the distance and I just wanted to get to the end of the lap. One of the guys at the 5 mile checkpoint (also saw him just after mile 1 I think) was lovely. The girls had told him I was having problems and he was so sweet. He gave me a drink and told me to take it easy. I carried on going and then heard a runner behind me. I moved over and he asked if I was okay. He'd been taking part with his daughter who had to pull out at 40 miles with calf problems. He said he'd walk the rest of the lap with me which I was very chuffed about! I probably would have been a hell of a lot longer had he not chatted to me all the way. Thanks Tony!

So the Kent 50 turned into the Kent 40 for me. My feet are well and truly buggered and I'm seriously wondering how the hell I'm going to get through the Mds if I can't find the right solution to the f*cking blister problems. The fact is that I won't get through more than 2 days if they're like this. My feet were okay before I started but I had lost a lot of skin on my heels from the Trailwalker (3 weeks previously) and I suppose I was asking for trouble. I've seen some New Balance trail shoes that on paper sound like they have everything I need. It means forking out more cash for yet another pair of trainers but I'm willing to do that if I eventually find the right combination!

I'm not disappointed because I know I can cover the distance and I know mentally I could keep myself going - just not with a big hole in my heel!!

I saw Rose who had finished at this point - fantastic job by her. I let Carol and Steph know that I had got back and was calling it a day (which I'm sure they knew!!!).

A pleasure to walk with them and have a natter about the Mds and other things too.

This wasn't my first ultra distance but I know I still have a hell of a lot to learn. I watched the Jack Osborne dvd last night (kindly lent to me by Steph) and it really made me think...

I am sitting here now with about 10 bits of cotton threaded through various blisters to drain them. I'm not doing any more ultras for the time being as will be training for Dublin now. I'm going to get my feet back to tip top condition, get the New Balance shoes and go from there.

I have a sneaking suspicion tho that I will get blisters whatever I do. If I can just thin them out a bit it would help!!

I had my camera with me the whole time and didn't take one bloody photo!! I can't believe it! Steph took a few I think so look forward to seeing those.
Still, another 'ultra' distance done and a bit more experience under my belt. Just need a whole lot more....!

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