Thursday, 22 May 2008


Second instalment.....

The Moonwalk. What can I say. I did 40 miles the week before and loved it. Then I did 26.2 miles the wee after and have never hated anything so much in my life!!! I'm thrilled we did it because we raised a lot of money for a great charity (and walked with a friend who went through surgery and treatment for breast cancer last year). In short, it was very cold (especially when just wearing a bra and a plastic poncho!), there was a lot of stopping and starting due to the fact that the roads are kept open, and my feet were killing me!

There were several times I felt close to tears and I think we all felt pretty low (there were 9 of us walking and we all stayed together). When we'd passed 23 miles I felt the tears welling up and I really had had enough at this point. Knackered and cold (felt like a frozen turd quite frankly), it was all becoming a bit much! The sun actually started to shine (about 6.30am) which was bliss after a freezing night! When we got into Hyde Park and were approaching the 25 mile mark, people starting to say 'come on girls, you're nearly there'. Well, I just wanted to blub very loudly. We took off the attractive ponchos and decided to walk together, bras pointing the way, for the last bit. Saw the 26 mile mark and that was it. Nic (the lady who's had breast cancer) started to cry and the floodgates opened. We got over the line at about 7.25am (so had been walking for 7 hours 40 mins) and we all cried like babies. I've never been so relieved to finish anything in my life! We got out medals and then crashed out for a bit. One of the girls' husbands had arranged for a stretch Hummer to bring us home. Fantastic!!! We had champagne in the Hummer and sat like zombies in the back of it. Went back to Nic's house for breakfast (cooked by her lovely husband). She then presented each of us with a beautiful necklace to say thank you helping her through everything (and walking with her etc). All blubbed again and then I couldn't stop. Spoke to my husband on the phone and cried. He turned up with my two girls and I cried. Then I just cried because I was so damn tired!

Very emotional, I'd never do it again, but I'm glad we did it and stuck together throughout. That's what it's all about after all.

Ridgeway 40 : 12 hours 30 minutes
Moonwalk : 7 hours 40 minutes

Bring on the next one..... Trailwalker here I come!!


Steph Cooke said...

Fantastic, you did brilliantly to do a marathon distance so soon after the Ridgeway- I have done hardly anything since!! And walking through the night will be great practice for the Long Stage!!!

AlanC said...

Great efforts Rach. I saw some moonwalkers, pre and post event, last year in Edinburgh when it was more like winter. It looked worse than running a marathon cos at least the run's over with quicker. Even if the feet are sore it can only be good prep and mental training for next year.
