Friday 13 June 2008

A jaunt in the park

I wanted to go running but have lost a bit of confidence lately, so thought I'd go to the park instead. It's just a fraction over a mile all the way around the outside and quite a decent place to run. A few dog walkers about so I don't feel totally isolated!

I did 6 circuits of the park. I think in total I walked almost 2 laps and ran the rest. Felt terrible to start with as my legs are still like jelly after the bike on Tuesday. My trouble is, because I feel so crap to start with, I just want to give up (not good when you think of next year). But once I get going I'm fine. I'm really conscious of building up slowly though because I don't want injuries. Shin splints WILL rear their ugly head if I start doing too much, too soon. Dublin is still about 18 weeks away (roughly) so I've got plenty of time. I've also decided that when I start going out with the pack, I will go to the park. Partly because I want to get used to it without the world and his wife looking at me thinking I'm a complete arse, and partly because its quiet there and I can just get on with my own thing!

I will go out again on Sunday and just see how I feel. No plans for a particular distance! Monday I'll be walking, hopefully about 10 miles.

Busy weekend ahead but it should be nice as we've actually got the chance to go out for a meal together (me and hubby). Very rare!!!


kizzi10000 said...

Hiya Rach! Finally got here! You have a lot to answer for, all this bloody MdS lark, and then there's Nick with his Comrades (happening as we speak). I think I'd better start saving now and I might be able to afford them both by the time I'm 50! SOOOO want to do them both.

Hope the training is going ok and you had a good weekend x

Steph Cooke said...

Hi Rach! Thanks for your comment, I really hate walking through fields of cows, and there seem to be loads of them round where I live... not too bad when they ignore you, but very intimidating when they all run after you and jostle, etc!
Good for you for getting out there, and building the running back up slowly, I get achilles problems if I try to do too much too soon. You have some good mileage under your belt already. I seem to be doing more walking then running at the moment, don't know whether that is a good thing or not!