Tuesday 24 June 2008


Good God. I've only been spinning (group cycling) once before, quite a long time ago. I remembered it being very hard.

And I wasn't wrong. It damn nearly killed me!! My legs really didn't know what had hit them. There was quite a lot of out of the saddle stuff which I will probably pay for tomorrow and the day after.

Having said that, I did enjoy it (sweated buckets!!). If I do it once a week I'm hoping the benefits will show fairly soon. I need to strengthen my legs as they seem pretty weak at the moment. I'm sure this will help!

Tomorrow I'm hoping to go for a run (depending on how the legs feel). Also depends on my youngest daughter as she's not feeling great (sore throat, flushed etc) and I'm not sure she'll be okay for school. We'll see.

I need food - I'm off!

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