Friday 20 June 2008

Just a quickie

I had to take Ellie for a hospital appointment this morning, but was determined to go for a run when I got back. Almost talked myself out of it because I always feel slightly deflated when I've been there with her. Anyway, got my running gear on and went out with music blaring - it was actually Burning Heart by Survivor which helped! I managed to do 4.5 miles which wasn't too bad. I'm slightly scared at how hard running is now - I've been doing a lot of walking and need to get back into it.

I ordered Fixing Your Feet the other day (Vonhof). It came today and it has made me realise that my feet are basically what's going to carry me around the desert (no shit!) so they need taking care of. I am making a promise here and now that by the end of the summer (it will take a while), they will be like a baby's bottom. Need to get rid of the hot spots, which is basically a nicer word than callus. They are underneath my toes and are what really hurt when I get blisters underneath.

What Vonhof says in the book makes an awful lot of sense (and its pretty bloody obvious really)but I suppose, stupidly, feet can get neglected....

I may even treat myself to a date with a chiropodist (foot butcher in my opinion), and then a pedicure to top it off. I can't bear to go and have a pedicure until my toe nails have grown back tho. I don't want to make the poor soul who has to do it feel like throwing up.

Onwards and upwards!


Steph Cooke said...

Hi Rach
Well done on the run, I haven't been running too much either lately but have entered a series of races so must get back into it!
I really should think about treating my feet...

Steph Cooke said...

Hope Ellie got on ok at her appointment, I can imagine it's quite stressful for you both x

AlanC said...

Hi Rach

I know what you mean about the hospital. I used to dread going with my son, and felt pretty depressed for most of the day afterwards. (Un)fortunatley you do get used to it as part of your and their life.

I found had a good variety of marathon training plans, if you're not following anything too specific just now. It helped me knock a big chunk off my pb and he does an ultra plan too.

Rotherham looks like it might be a good meeting place for all us going to the beach next year. Maybe get Craig over too!


Steph Cooke said...

Hi Rach
Thanks for your comment, it is scary making a training plan as I've not done anything like this before!! I am thinking of keeping up the long walks, still including long runs too, plus maybe shorter faster runs. I will still do the strength training at the gym, and then gradually build up back pack weight...
What are your thoughts? I keep thinking I should be doing much more!!
I am hoping my mojo will come back, I am still training so it can't have gone completely (I hope!)
I would love to aim for the Gobi in a few years time, sounds as though there will be a few on the forum up for it too.
Have a good week!